The Top 5 Male Role Models in Fiction

Movies, books, and television are more than mere entertainment; They can teach important lessons about life, and offer role models for us to follow. In a culture where a singer can be beloved after beating his girlfriend and it seems that every sports icon has had multiple tawdry affairs, men really need a positive role model, and that's where these fictional characters come in.

That's why today I've compiled a list of my Top 5 fictional male role models. It was hard to choose just a few, but the list below still manages to showcase characters who teach us to be better men.

If you haven't read the books, watched the series, or seen the movies, Spoilers ahead!

5: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, from the 'Harry Potter' series.
The #5 slot is Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, wielder of the Elder Wand, and both a funny and surprisingly powerful wizard.
Richard Harris and Michael Gambon turned
a storybook character into a cultural icon
Why He Makes The List
Albus Dumbledore is a guy whose talent and power had him running hand-in-hand with a villain known as Grindelwald, but when Dumbledore had to stand and be counted, Dumbledore made the tough choice to choose a life of virtue and meaning instead of malice and power. Dumbledore saves the world multiple times, protects and teaches thousands of young wizards and witches, and orchestrates the seemingly impossible overthrow of the dark wizard Voldemort (I mean....He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named). He's honorable, loving, caring, and wise. He's the wizard's version of the Dalai Lama, Mother Theresa, Chuck Norris, and Bill Nye the Science Guy all rolled into one long-and-magnificently-bearded form.

4: Gimli, son of Gloin, from 'The Lord of the Rings' series.
The #4 slot is Gimli, the axe-wielding, massively-bearded dwarven member of the Fellowship of the Ring.
John Rhys-Davies brought Gimli to life in film in an amazing performance
Why He Makes The List
Gimli deserves a place on this list for his personality alone: He's not just honorable, he's unflinching. When he's faced with insurmountable odds, he responds by surmounting the insurmountable...and then by kicking ass and taking names.  Gimli is the little voice in every man's heart that says “STAND FOR SOMETHING” whenever the rest of the world screams “SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP”. Gimli makes friends with the race his people are supposed to hate (elves), makes peace with their beautiful queen and impresses her more than any mortal she'd ever previously met (that's Galadriel, the gorgeous but terrifying blonde in the films). Gimli is honorable, stalwart, brave, caring, and accepting. He is more interested in doing what's right than what's easy.

3: Indiana Jones, A.K.A. Dr. Henry Watson Jones, Jr. from the 'Indiana Jones' series.
The #3 slot is Dr. Jones, the whip-wielding Nazi-fighting professor of Archeology.
Because Harrison Ford decided that Han Solo wasn't enough
Why He Makes The List
Dr. Jones doesn't just sell his archeological finds back to a museum, he either gives them to museums for free or returns the objects to their rightful owners. This man finds some of the most amazing treasures in human history, he faces evil left and right, and he does it...for no reward at all. Male role models are often brutes, but Indy is more than just a tough right hook and clever catchphrases. Dr Jones is all about being smart, even if he does occasionally rely on his handsome looks and, well, tough right hook. Indiana Jones figures out ancient and unsolved clues, knows the history of pretty much every religion or country on Earth, and still teaches as a college professor. Indiana Jones shows men that intellect, perseverance, honor, and bravery can eventually win out over evil. And best of all? He shows bravery despite being afraid, teaching generations of people that bravery is about overcoming fear, not being fearless.

2: Captain Mal, A.K.A. Ship Captain (and also Sergeant) Malcolm Reynolds, from the cult television series 'Firefly'.
The #2 slot is Mal Reynolds, the ex-military spaceship captain who fought to save the galaxy from oppression.
Nathan Fillion made a hell of a space-cowby
Why He Makes The List
It might surprise some people to see a man who ends up being a thief in most of his film and television appearances on the list of top male role models. However, that might actually make Mal an even better role model. Malcolm Reynolds joined a war to save people from subjugation, even though he knew the fight was likely lost from the start. He pursued honor in all his dealings, and avoided harming the innocent even even when he had to commit crimes. He stood up for his crew time after time without question, and he showed millions of viewers that being a realistic hero doesn't necessarily mean you have to be a wimp. He understood forgiveness, a virtue that most of us never manage to master, and he showed mercy, when lesser men would have been consumed by hate.  Malcolm Reynolds risked life and limb time and again for a good cause, because that's just the right thing to do. He was a modern cowboy, in every sense of the term.

1: George Feeny, from the television series 'Boy Meets World'.
The #1 top slot for the male role model in fiction goes to Mr. Feeny, the teacher and neighbor of the main character in the 'Boy Meets World' series.
William Daniels taught us that a teacher could also be a life-long friend
Why He Makes The List
Mr. Feeny is the archetype other shows, books, and movies base their teachers on. He's stiff, distant, and yet somehow also the perfect teacher. When his students gets manipulated by a con-man? George Feeny shows up to defend them. When someone's parent dies, it's George Feeny in the waiting room, ready to listen. As the series closed, after years of avoiding ever breaking the ever-important boundary between friend and teacher, he waits until he's all alone to tearfully admit “I love you all”, a moment of television that to this day gives me goose-bumps. Feeny protected children from criminals and manipulators, he gave everyone the fair chance at success regardless of their personality or background, and he taught more than simply academics (though apparently he could teach any academic subject to any age group with expert skill). He was a widower, ex-Navy, ultra intellectual who knew more than anyone ever seemed to realize. If there's someone every male should aspire to be, it's George Feeny.  He was intelligent, wise, careful, and precise and yet never wavered as a friend of confidant.
For the reasons already listed and for thousands of reasons more, Mr. Feeny is the #1 best male role model in fiction.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!  Do you have your own top 5 list?  Is there someone you think deserves to be listed here? Feel free to leave your thoughts and ideas in a comment below, and check out some other similar posts from BB+B, like "Books and Movies, Meeting the Perfect Match" and "5 Behaviors Everyone Hates (And How They Should be Punished)"

-Brian, the Author Guy

1 comment:

  1. Hey man, Dumbledore and Gimli together are at least 10 people worth of normal beards, just saying!


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