Site Update Post!

Hey folks!  I thought now would be a great opportunity to tell you guys about a few changes happening for BeardsBearsAndBrian (otherwise known by its apparent appellation BB+B, or 3B).
So, I'm gonna briefly let you guys know about some places to find me if you're interested in staying up to date on updates, a few site changes and visual changes, and a couple minor changes still off in the future.

I've gotten a twitter!  And a facebook!  Not for me, I mean, I had those, but for BB+B!  I'll be posting updates and site info on these guys, so check them out and follow or subscribe!
Twitter: HERE!
Facebook:  HERE!

I'm trying to fix up the look of the blog!  I've made many changes recently, but I'm hoping to actually get together with people who know website design and technology, and improve the visuals of the blog.  That includes new pictures probably, or a new banner, or similar things as well as changing the structure of the page.  So, I'd love to hear your thoughts, which brings me to ANOTHER change!

I'm adding a poll feature to the right side of the page, where I'll be asking occasional questions.  Things like, "What do you want to hear about" and "What's your favorite story" and whatnot.  It should be fun, so check THAT out too!

I'm adding a new section as well!  It's going to be a Frequently Asked Questions section, so you can maybe figure things out that you don't know yet!  Yay!

Lastly, I'm updating something update plans!  I've heard your comments, and I think you're right.  A more regular update schedule WOULD help you keep actively interested and aware for my musings.  How astute an observation!  And yes, I will be adding a formal schedule for updates in the near future.  I can't do it quite yet, since I'm trying to figure out the frequency, which takes a bit more planning.  For now, check out the changes so far, check out the twitter and facebook, check out the new polls, and as always:

Thanks for reading, and I love hearing your comments.  I try to respond personally to every comment I get, so feel free to ask questions, I might even answer them! 
Thanks guys,


  1. Replies
    1. New post is up, and it has bears! Moose are on their way too.
      Thanks a bunch!


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