Who Is Brian Allman?

Who Is Brian Allman you ask? You don't know? Let me show you.

Gorgeous, right? He's everything you want, and are too afraid to admit to wanting! He's adorable. You see that smile with almost straight teeth? The widespread shoulders? The beard, that even when trimmed to tiny size still radiates masculinity? That's Brian Allman.
Let me be clearer...since I'm not certain the above photo makes it clear enough who Brian really is.

See that? That's Brian. He's on a skateboard, looking like he's been rolling around on the ground, instead of standing, like everybody else. That's because he's not a follower. He's a leader, he chooses his own path, even when that path involved falling down the stairs you see behind him, on a skateboard.
STILL NOT CONVINCED? I struggle to believe it, but if you truly aren't convinced, let me think of how to best describe Brian....

Perhaps the best description of Brian would be this:
Brian is from Illinois, where he grew up in a suburb of Chicago. He's one of three children, and comes from a loving family, where he was taught to read by his mother, a teacher, and taught not to care about silly things like 'how to ride a skateboard' by his father, a computer specialist and manager.
He's a twin, though fraternal (not the cool kind...the kind that gets screwed out of presents but can't do cool 'The Parent Trap' switcheroos), and has an older sister. His siblings are awesome, successful in their own fields, and live throughout the country.
Brian has been a singer, teacher of sorts, professional Boy Scout, park ranger, professional fire-starter, librarian assistant, and all sorts of other things, but the big ones are:
Brian's currently in his early 20s.
He's an Eagle Scout, which means he spent a LOT of time doing Boy Scouts.
He's a Freemason, which means (according to Nicholas Cage) that he's out for secret world domination.
He's in MENSA, which is a very professional and adult way of saying nerd.
He's currently a graduate student, studying Biology.
He graduated from college with majors in Biology and Writing, and a minor in Philosophy, because if he decided that making money and living comfortably were for the less adventurous.
He's tall and wide, with enough cubic inches to be a serious threat to most most cars, if they were to accidentally run him over.
And of course, most important,
He has a Beard. A beautiful, multicolored beard.

If you're still not sure who Brian is, ask in a comment, or write an e-mail, or just read the various posts that are sure to follow on the blog, and get a better idea as time goes by.
And if you, after reading all of this, still aren't sure?
Well, Brian's OK if you're struggling to understand, and he sympathizes. He isn't going to judge. He'll just recommend you keep reading, take it slow, and don't worry, because if you put forth the effort to get to know Brian, he's pretty sure you'll agree that it's worth it.
READ ON! Keep amusing yourself at my expense. And if, in the course of time, you don't find anything amusing here to read, see, or discuss, then sorry, but you clearly have no sense of humor, or have too strong a sense of decorum.
And Brian doesn't like decorum.
Formality...well, it makes Brian angry.
...and you wouldn't like him when he's angry.
Hopefully, you now better understand Brian.

Thanks for reading,
Keep laughing,


  1. I'm sorry you got screwed out of presents. At least you made it out with the best beard though :)

    1. My beard is QUITE delightful, manly, and overall awesome. Worth a few missing birthday presents.


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