How Lightsabers Defeated Depression

As adults, we're constantly forced to BE adults.  Really, it's an unfair game.  Depression and stress plague us, and we're made to be 'real people' with 'real jobs' and 'responsibilities' and other such tragically boring problems.

Sitting in an office, listening to someone you don't like tell you something you don't care about so you can go back to a home you don't love and pay more money than you want all in order to get up and do it again tomorrow? Or, if you're a bit younger or in college, sitting in a room of strangers listening to lectures you don't want to hear, about subjects that don't interest you, for hours on end? It can begin to feel a bit unfair.

Don't think of me as a negative nancy, here.  Or, I guess, a depressing dave.  You see, the truth is that I'm NOT a depressing miser whose sole belief system entails hatred for my current existence...quite the opposite. As I learned in a series of memorable battles (literal and figurative, as I will soon explain,) being happy and feeling awesome is not something that necessarily comes from external forces.  Sometimes, the only way to feel great is to stop moping around, and BE the awesome in your own life.

When I get down, I find ways to NOT be down.  As Barney Stinson from 'How I Met Your Mother' puts it, "When I get sad I stop being sad, and be awesome instead!"

I believe that's probably where this story begins.

In 2007 and 2008, I was having a rough time.  I was sick, a lot.  Heck, I'll say it, I was seriously ill for months.  I had been dumped by my first adult girlfriend, and my parents and I couldn't talk without someone slamming the phone in order to cut back on the cussing.  Usually it was me, because I was angry all the time, and that made whatever OTHER problems I was having much worse.  I was hurting for money, and I was lonely, and I felt bad, and generally things weren't going my way.
(Don't worry, the story gets better.  I promise!)
This pattern continued for months, and months, and all the way through a full semester and summer, and back into the start of the 2008 school year, when I headed into sophomore year of college.  I had just moved due to unfortunate flooding in the original house I'd been staying at.  I found out my best friend was now secretly DATING the woman I had fallen for and then been hurt by, and he had been hiding it from me. All of these nasty things fell in my lap, and I was profoundly depressed by them.
I really felt like I was going to be depressed and unhappy for as long as I lived, and in this moment of despair, I stopped being successful in any way: Socially, romantically, academically, and professionally.


Then something magical happened.  Something truly wonderful, and stupendous.  Something unbelievably fun, but equally stupid.

In an older post, I mentioned a good friend who scared me by dressing up as a zombie.  He was an awesome friend that I was, at the time, getting to know better. We were buddies, but we still didn't know each other that great yet. However, he was better than me at being happy, so I spent time with him, because he was sort of the fun-times-happiness sort, and I needed that.

Let's refer to him here as Beardo.  The same guy, while I was having the 'perfect storm' of shit-storms hit me was trying desperately to keep me upbeat, and like most folks do when depressed, I refused to feel better because wallowing was so much easier. Hell, I imagine I would never have broken out of that wallowing depressing phase if Beardo hadn't decided one night that instead of being sad and mopey, I was now going to be hilarious and stupid.  He decided that if he couldn't make me happy by BEING happy, he was going to make my happy by forcing me to either be happy, or be in pain.

He found me downstairs playing video games in the dormitory we'd both moved into, and he told me that something was terribly, terribly wrong. His voice was upbeat...but I didn't notice.  he was smiling, but the words 'something wrong' convinced me to believe him, so I slowly picked up my video games and decided to follow.

"Brian, you have to come with me...there's something...something messed up happening upstairs."
"I'm coming.  Shut up.  God, give me a friggin' second.  Stop rushing. It'll still be a problem in 5 minutes, I mean damn."
I was NOT a pleasant person.

I heaved a heavy sigh, and stood up, and begrudgingly dragged my feet up the stairs all the while whining about, "Probably just another piece of crap on the crap-sandwich that is my stupid life" and other similarly worthless and world-hating phrases.

Luckily, Beardo's natural sadness repellant (hint, it's part of his face, and fluffy, and is related to his current appellation) ignored me, and as we got to my room, I found two toy lightsabers sitting on my bed.  Two large plastic lightsabers, as well as a giant robe that I kept around for no reason, since it was old, had holes in unfortunate places, and really didn't function as a usable robe anymore. I stared blankly.It took me a moment to understand what was happening.  "What...the fuck....what the hell...what? What's wrong?"  My eloquent query finished, Beardo decided it was time to let me in on his plan.

He slunk over to the bed, and pulled the long green saber out of its collapsible sheath, and held it up.  He pointed at me with his free hand, and said, "Well, you're being boring and sad, so I thought..." and then he slashed at me with the plastic lightsaber, slamming it against my face, and quickly dashing from the room cackling maniacally.

As a mature adult, I was convinced I could ignore his stupid prank, and was ready to close my bedroom door when another friend, let's call him Monkey, emphasis on the Monk, ran past my door with another plastic saber and slashed at my chest.  I reflexively jumped back, and for some reason still unknown to me, picked up the remaining was red.  Monkey yelled, "Take that, Sith Scum!"  He turned tailed and fled the way Beardo had just run.

Without warning, I was the Sith.

Throwing the old robe over my shoulders, and pulling my red lightsaber to full length, I chased Monkey down the hall.  Beardo, at the end of the hallway, was sitting crouched rather Jedi-like now wearing his  a thick jacket.  Monkey disappeared into another dorm-room and came out wearing his own robe.  Beardo tossed me a SECOND red lightsaber, one yelled, "Sith!  Come at me!" and we took off.

I spent the next 2 hours, as the leaves dropped off of fall trees in beautiful autumnal night air, chasing my two friends around a college campus with plastic lightsabers, through busily working study-groups, in and out of buildings such as the library and music building, and across the whole of campus until we reached the gym.  Beardo and Monkey went upstairs to the sparring room for martial arts and we had a duel.  I, as the sith, was given my two twin red sabers, and they as the Jedi fought me off until we were all sufficiently battered with plastic-lightsaber marks and we heard the public safety officers looking for 'Idiots making a fuss', when we decided now was a good time to walk home. We were doing something childish, and stupid, and wildly inappropriate for young adults, and it was awesome.  Really and truly awesome.

An unrelated occurrence when Beardo attacked me with lightsabers.
Because these things actually happen to me....often.
(Thanks for the picture, Megan!)

Every time I get down, I remember that night.  Over the next semester, my GPA rose from a 2.8 to a 3.5, I picked up more fraternity responsibilities, re-joined a choir after spending the previous semester refusing to do anything outside of the minimal course load I'd taken, and built lifelong friendships with Beardo and Monkey.  It was, without a doubt, one of the best periods of my life, and it was in no way any different in circumstance than my life had been before, where I was depressed, unhappy, and perhaps at the worst moment I can remember in my life. 

Whenever I've felt crappy, I try to go back to what I was taught in college (though, not the lessons taught BY the college, since those aren't actually always as important): Happiness is an attitude, not just an emotion.  Whenever shit hits the fan, and you feel miserable, as happens from time to time even in the luckiest of lives, you have to make a choice. 
Will you wallow, alone, and play video games?  Will you sit in your room and mutter at the television about how stupid people are?  Will you separate yourself from others and choose depression as an active choice, or will you choose to say "Fuck it all" and move on to something awesome, if stupid, instead? 

There is no cure for misfortune, but there is a treatment for its secondary symptomatic depression.  You must choose, actively, to do something profoundly stupid and fun.  You get up, and take action, and improve your situation. If all goes well, you'll come back with a broken lightsaber, a plethora of bruises, VERY confused study-groups in the library and a good story.  If you're lucky, you may also gain a better attitude.

In my experience, there's nothing that stops a lightsaber.  Even a terrible mood.

I love your comments and feedback, and look forward to hearing what you guys think, or if you have any OTHER great tales and similar stories!  Leave me a comment below, or check out my other posts about college experiences and amusing life lessons, such as How a Kitten Stole my Manhood, or Choir Boy to Mountain Man.

Thanks a ton,

How to Win Facebook Political Arguments: A Guide

The Ultimate Facebook Politics Discussion Guide Part 2, Democrats:
Seriously, this is meant as satire. Uncomfortably accurate, but joking. SATIRE ALERT BELOW!

If you're reading this, it's because you want to be more knowledgeable about how to beat others in political discussions on facebook.  No one wins a discussion, but an argument definitely has a winner, and it can be you! So, argue on, and win!
Good for you! Remember, as the election draws closer, it's time to sway over any undecided voters on facebook by posting links and arguments to make your point.  As the founding fathers once said, "If you're not with me, you're against me, you American-hating bastards" or something of that sort.

If you're looking for the guide to being a Democrat on facebook, see below. If you're looking for a guide to being a Republican, read the first section. (CLICK HERE)

Remember, your facebook is like your front lawn, or car bumper.  If it's not covered in signs and catchphrases, how will anyone know what you believe?
Happy Facebooking!


So, you're a liberal?  Good.  It's hard to imagine a world that stagnates and denies change the way Republicans do, am I right?  In modern America, we need modern people, and more importantly, we want people with hearts bigger than their wallets.  Get ready to whoop some Republican butt at rhetoric, as Democrats always do, because they're clearly so much smarter than Republicans. You'll probably want to mention that in your arguments. But anyways, let's get started on how to win Facebook discussions as a Democrat.

Being a democrat means your job is to prove the republicans wrong.  Once they've been proven wrong, that leaves only one option: You being right, as usual.  Unlike Republicans, you can cite sources outside of Fox News for your point of view, and you've got science and Stephen Colbert on your side.  Seriously, you know what beats Republicans?  Anything factual, because clearly they're uneducated. Call them out on their racist, sexist, religiously intolerant arguments.  You just need to make sure people know why the Republicans are all uninformed idiots, and you win. Plus, call them bigots, so everyone knows you aren't one. Democrats care about reminding everyone that America was founded to get away from religious persecution, to create a country where everyone is universally accepted, where immigrants can find a new home and create their own American Dream.  And if someone disagrees with that, clearly they're heartless and ignorant.

Your key conversation topics really come to down 3 basic arguments: Biased Media, Ignorance, and (Horse and Sparrow) Economics.

First, let's talk about the media.  Have you ever actually listened to the republican news media?

Those bastards can't help but spew their hate-speech every third word.  So, call their biases out!  Every single time!  Someone posts a quote about American Exceptional-ism, and how great America is compared to anywhere else?  Well, retort by showing the quote was out of context, probably.  If it wasn't out of context, demand they supply context.  The key is to CALL THEM OUT, on every subject! Someone posts a bible verse to support their point of view, and show their faith to the world?  Of COURSE they do, because their media only accepts one religion, and refuses to pay attention to the other parts of the bible, like in Timothy where women aren't allowed to talk, and in Leviticus, when people aren't supposed to eat shellfish. If you don't know the bible, that's OK, neither does the Republican. Just find a few choice verses like the ones I mention, and from then on feel free to CALL THEM OUT!  Constantly and aggressively point out the flaws in conservative media, fight the brainwashed bias with more respectable sources, like Huffington Post and (which sounds biased, but TOTALLY isn't, if you really look at it from a logical modern freethinking point of view, like most Democrats have).
The Biased Media of the Republicans got us into these dangerous and unconstitutional wars, they ruined our economy, and are destroying America.  If only someone had called them out sooner, maybe we wouldn't be in this mess.  So, if you see a post that looks suspicious, CALL THEM OUT. Ignore conservative media, and anyone who listens to it, because they're probably just Sheeple. Also, make sure to use phrases like that, because it helps you identify idiots to the rest of the population.  Sheeple and Pawns are good words to remember for just such occasions.

Ignorance is probably the word most heavily associated with Republicans.  They hate evolution, climate change, and religious freedom.  Not all of them, but enough that it's probably safe to generalize, probably.
Basically, they hate everything that happened after the American Founding, and that's important to bring up.  They're all stuck in the past, and are old and can't adapt. Explain to them that they only disagree because they're old fashioned, unaware, and ignorant. It'll prove you to be youthful and adaptable, (though you might want to throw in a zinger about maybe they could ADAPT if they learned to believe in EVOLUTION!  A witty zinger goes a long way to prove yourself right)
If this isn't working, you might want to remind everyone how stupid republicans really are.  Articles about creationism and science-denial remind the public that republicans are unaware and uneducated, and make your point for you. Just bring in tons of articles about how dumb republicans are, and you're sure to win.
Being conservative and being ignorant go hand in hand. If people don't believe you, more articles, with more statistics about the republican party, because know what ISN'T IGNORANT?  Science and statistics, especially from sources that everyone trusts, like MSNBC. If a conservative friend disagrees with you, make sure to find a site or idea that disagrees with them, post it, and call them out on being ignorant.  That's guaranteed to work, or at least prove you're NOT ignorant, which is really the key to any debate.

Finally, economics comes into play. If you don't know what Horse and Sparrow economics, you might recognize the term 'Trickle down" economics? As the INCREDIBLY BIASED republican media would call it, it's the same as supply side economics.  It's the idea that if you feed enough money to the rich, the poor get better off too.  The line that was used in Reagan's time was 'A rising tide lifts all boats', but it's really a pretty way of saying, "feed the horse enough oats and they'll shit out extra for the sparrows to eat". Useful imagery, when you want to inspire disgust. Oh, and guess what?  It applies to all the mean social policies that Conservatives believe in too. Seriously, it's practically your entire argument in a single poo-related phrase.

The key to this argumentative point is how horribly insensitive and heartless republican fiscal policy is.  They want to keep all their money, hoard it, and screw over the poor. They want to be kings, while everyone else is a peon.  If only someone could tell them...OH WAIT, THAT'S YOU!  You have to tell them, to stop the brainwashing, because that's totally what it is, and you should let everyone know it!  It sounds aggressive and abrasive, but you're just trying to be a Democrat, an emotionally aware and very active person.  If you aren't aggressive and abrasive, you'll be ignored. If you DIDN'T use the emotional and aggressive language, then people wouldn't realize how important the issue is, and you might be dismissed as someone who doesn't care.  Someone needs to stand up, and take action, and if it's not you, and not now, it's never going to happen.  It's nice to say things like that, too, to show everyone how wise and caring you are. 

Speaking of which...Isn't that the real issue?  The republican economics being uncaring, their social policies being outdated and uncaring?  Really, as you can see, everything relates back to their viewpoint of self indulgence, which is showcased perfectly through trickle down, or Horse and Sparrow economics. If you remind everybody that Republicans don't care, and that they are all about money and power, you might actually wake someone up and fix the mess that the fat-cats made of the American economy. It's hard to find SPECIFIC cases, sure, but if you give facts about all republicans, and you bring up the theme of 'they're ignorant self indulgent assholes', you're probably going to win.

Barack Obama wanted change, and so do you.  Bush Jr., Sr. and Reagan before them wanted nothing more than to manipulate America into being a christian controlled fear-worshiping bunch of sheeple. It's time for you to go to facebook and prove to everyone else that you can't be controlled, that you fight the power, and that you're more empathetic and caring than a republican could EVER be.

Oh, Plus, not that you want to sound like a hippie, but you know, 'legalize it', because that's part of being a Democrat too...but only add that bit as a footnote, somewhat unrelated, at the end of a long post, so that people don't think it's your main point.
But mostly, don't be sheeple, and let the Republicans know that they can't control you. (Also, legalize it, seriously)

If you can handle that, you're fine! Enjoy winning countless arguments, and swaying over all those many folks who still haven't decided their political opinions yet.  I'm certain they'll happily appreciate being informed by your helpful additions to any Facebook discussion.

As always, thanks for reading!  If you liked this post, check out Stu, my Brobama  or  Kid-Rules to Improve the World

Leave a comment or thought below, and if you can't tell that this is satire and didn't read the top, leave me an ANGRY comment that I can respond to sarcastically.  Thanks!

How to Win Facebook Political Arguments: A Guide

The Ultimate Facebook Politics Discussion Guide Part 1, Republicans:
Seriously, this is meant as satire. Uncomfortably accurate, but joking. SATIRE ALERT BELOW!

If you're reading this, it's because you want to be more knowledgeable about how to beat others in political discussions on facebook.  No one wins a discussion, but an argument definitely has a winner, and it can be you! So, argue on, and win!
Good for you! Remember, as the election draws closer, it's time to sway over any undecided voters on facebook by posting links and arguments to make your point.  As the founding fathers once said, "If you're not with me, you're against me, you American-hating bastards" or something of that sort.

If you're looking for the guide to being a Democrat on facebook, feel free to skip this first section. If you're looking for a guide to being a Republican, read the first section and ignore the rest (the way God and Jesus probably intended). Part 2, "The Ultimate Facebook Politics Discussion Guide, Democrats" comes out at 12:00(midnight) Alaskan time tomorrow (4:00 AM Eastern, as reference)

Remember, your facebook is like your front lawn, or car bumper.  If it's not covered in signs and catchphrases, how will anyone know what you believe?
Happy Facebooking!


First, I'm glad you chose the RIGHT side, if you excuse the pun.  Conservatism isn't respected in this country anymore, and that's something your facebook discussions can change.  So, let's get started with some tips and tricks to winning political arguments on facebook, as a Republican.

As a Republican, you're in the stronger position.  You don't have to prove yourself right, or prove the other person wrong.  You just have to avoid being proven wrong yourself, definitively, by unbiased sources.  In other words, unless they can find a Fox-News article or Bill O'Reilly tape that calls you out, you're right!  Any other news source is probably just liberal media, and you can say so, to make sure everyone knows you aren't one of the idiot hippies who fall for that crap.

In discussions, your job is to remind everyone about what it means to be American: Look at the average law-maker.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying blacks, Hispanics, women and the poor should be kept out of power, I'm just saying that it's always been the way it is, and changing it won't make anyone better off.  What works, works, and new ideas might fail.  We need to "Change" back to the way it USED to be, if you know what I mean.  (Feel free to use that snappy zinger, it seems to work wonders with the conservative crowd)

Key points to bring up in any facebook discussion or comment section can be broken down into 3 main sections; Religion, Obama, and Socialism.

Religion's easy to bring up.  Every discussion really comes back to Christianity, because America is a Christian nation, and all important politics is about America, so obviously, all politics really is about Christianity.  Anyone who says we aren't a Christian nation has never heard of the most important discussion point to bring up, the founding fathers.  You might say they were all different religions, but know what they REALLY were?  Christian, and you've been told it's true by respectable Fox-News journalists. 
Also, when you mention your religion on Facebook, people will be able to see you as a moral authority, and they won't want to argue anymore. After all, Jesus sets down a perfectly good set of rules about Gay Marriage, Abortion, and being a good person through Christianity, and it's worked for 2,000 years.  People who disagree are probably quoting some biased news source, like ABC, NBC, MSNBC, the BBC, Washington Post, the New York Times, or similarly liberal media that have skewed the facts.  ALWAYS BRING UP RELIGION, BECAUSE AMERICA IS CHRISTIAN.  Point 1 of the argument?  Republicans.  Atheist scumbag Democrats?  0.

Obama's easy to bring up too.  He's not even a REAL American, and the truth is, the only American part of him was from Hawaii which isn't real America.  Plus, his middle name is Hussein which seems pretty untrustworthy (not that you're racist, but come on, Hussein?), and he spent YEARS being brought up in heathen foreign lands.  He's unfit to be a president, and unfit to really be an American.  Clearly, he doesn't belong, and that's all you have to say.  Any policy questions can be redirected to Obama, because if the Democrats rely on a foreign Muslim to guide them, anything they say is probably tainted with foreign and heathen beliefs. I mean, did you see what I did there?  Literally anything the Obama administrations brings up or has been commonly named after them (Obamacare) can be defeated with the statements I just made.  Republicans 2, Loser Heathen Foreigner Democrats, STILL 0!

Lastly, Socialism
America is a democracy, and we're not communists.  Know who was?  Stalin. Yeah, that worked out pretty bad, didn't it USSR? Clearly Communism and socialism are the same, and let's be honest, if you were a poor and lazy commie, it would be nice to steal from the hard-working true Americans, so whenever you hear something that sounds like social welfare, or a social policy, remember that SOCIALism starts with social, and it's all Stalin-Talk from then on.
Related to this, 'Slippery Slope' is a phrase you can toss into any conversation when you get confused about what's happening. Either call the argument socialist, or say it's a slippery slope. Then sit back and relax, because you just won the argument, Republicans 3, Baby-killing-atheist-loving-communist-Democrats a whopping 0. 

Being a Republican on facebook is about trying to avoid having someone who doesn't belong here steal your money, change your religion, and seize your power. Doesn't that seem reasonable?  If you remember to repeatedly state your religion, quote the bible verses that outlaw abortion(sort of) or gay marriage(sort of), blame Obama, and recognize and call out all communist plots, you'll win.  Good luck fighting the fight, you REAL Americans.

If you can handle that, you're fine! Enjoy winning countless arguments, and swaying over all those many folks who still haven't decided their political opinions yet.  I'm certain they'll happily appreciate being informed by your helpful additions to any Facebook discussion.

As always, thanks for reading!  If you liked this post, check out Stu, my Brobama  or  Kid-Rules to Improve the World

Leave a comment or thought below, and if you can't tell that this is satire and didn't read the top, leave me an ANGRY comment that I can respond to sarcastically.  Thanks!

Kid-Rules to Improve The World

Kid Rules that Make the World a Better Place.

When you're a kid, you have rules everywhere you go.  In class, you can only speak when your hand is raised.  You can't go to the restroom without a pass from the teacher.  You're not allowed to touch anything in the museum, no matter how cool it looks.  If you touch the class turtle, you have to wash your hands.  You're only allowed to chew gum if you bring enough to share.  The list seems endless, and as a kid, it's both incredibly helpful, and mind-numbingly frustrating to deal with these rules.

As an adult, we don't have as many rules. We have laws, company rules, and basic social agreements, but we don't have rules laid out for us to deal with common daily occurrences. That's where kids are smart.  As a kid, even outside of school or trips or home, you MAKE rules.  Dibs is a perfect example of a rule, if applied without manipulation, that can make life simpler.  It cuts down on arguments, and can prevent unnecessary anger.  After all, your buddy wasn't being mean when he took the first piece of cake, he called dibs.  You can't argue with dibs.

As an adult, I think it's about time we bring some of those sorts of rules back.  I believe, entirely seriously, that if we all started to act a bit more like kids with rules, we'd all be better off. Below is a list (not exhaustive, but a good starting point) that will help you on your quest to live more childishly, as well as happily.  If you share this list with others, and your friends or family agree to live by its rules, I imagine that your life might just get a bit better.

1) Shotgun is Sacred.
If someone calls shotgun in a car ride, it must be obeyed under specific conditions.  Sure, everyone grew up with various rules, but the basics seem to be pretty clear; The driver can override shotgun, if no shotgun is called or it's a tie, the larger individual wins, and family comes first.  Other rules, such as having to be in sight of the car, or touching it first, are up in the air at the discretion of the driver, but in general, shotgun is the 'dibs' of choosing seats, and should be appreciated even as adults. People who do not play fairly shall be evicted by the driver and made to sit in the 'bitch' seat, in the middle of the back, as punishment.

2) Sending Thank You Cards Isn't Optional.
Seriously, when did we stop sending thank you cards?  Unless I sent someone a wedding present from another state, I'm not getting a thank you in the mail anymore.  Oh, I remembered your birthday, bought you a gift and arranged for it to be delivered to your house on a specific day?  It's your favorite book, in a new printing because you mentioned your old book was damaged recently?  OH, REALLY?  I WENT TO ALL THAT TROUBLE FOR A TEXT MESSAGE THAT SAYS "thx dude" 2 WEEKS LATER?
Unacceptable.  When you get a gift, send a thank you card.  When someone gives you a Christmas bonus, send them a thank you card. When someone comes to help you move, and spends hours lifting boxes for the 2 greasy slices of pizza you call 'payment', SEND A THANK YOU CARD.   Write more eloquently than "Thanks" or "Gr8 gift", because we're not idiots, so we shouldn't just be grunting meaningless monosyllabic phrases. We can say, 'Hey, I appreciated the gift Brian, and I hope you're doing well in the frozen hell that is interior northern Alaska.  It's nice to have friends like you, blah blah blah.

Your friend,

3) Words, Not Fists. 
I'm someone who grew up with physically aggressive siblings, so I often express my emotions through physical contact.  I give hugs.  I pat people on the back.  I punch someone in the shoulder when they're being a jerk. I do, however, try to actually articulate myself, and I try to ensure that I only hug/hit/pat people I know well, and who know me.  What I cannot stand, most of the time, is people who use violence to get their point across. 

First, it's very rarely appropriate.  If you and a buddy are ok smacking each other around, great, go for it, more power to you. If it's NOT someone you know well, someone who you know will react well, and someone who expects it, DON'T HIT!  This goes for girls too.  It might actually be MORE important to tell girls, because as adults some seem to forget!

I was recently in a relationship of sorts and the girl expressed her anger by punching.  Not cute, playful punches or angry smacks on the shoulder, but hard and angry punches, where she intended to cause pain.  Fun fact:  I can't do it back without being an evil bastard, so it's probably not OK to do to me.  She punched me in the groin (the WORST of the no-no spots) and I had to sit there and say as calmly as possible, "PLEASE DON'T PUNCH ME IN THE GROIN, FOR THAT IS EXTREMELY PAINFUL."
It's not ok, and generally isn't necessary.  I'm not saying I agree with the zero-tolerance rules our modern school systems seem to have adopted when it comes to violence, because sometimes slapping, kicking, punching and such is WARRANTED in extreme situations, but as a rule...use your words, not your fists.

4) Share Your Gum.
Seriously.  Don't be a dick.  Share your fucking gum. I will tear that juicy fruit from your mouth and throw it on the ground if you don't have another piece to share, you gum-hoarding bastard.

5) Learn Every Person's Name.
This alone probably deserves a long post, since it's come up even here in Alaska time and again in meaningful ways, but I'll be brief for now.
You should ALWAYS learn everyone's name when you start at a new company, or a new place.  You learn the name of the janitor, and the lady who serves the coffee, and the angry old man who's about to retire, and ESPECIALLY the other new people.  It's such a simple rule, but it does so much.  Plus, when the angry old guy retires, and remembers you as the kid who spent a few minutes to say hello, maybe he'll request you get his office, and BOOM, promotion.  Or, maybe the janitor is secretly some sort of spy, and you'll get to accompany him on spy missions.  It could happen. 
Most importantly, it'll help you out when it's time to make friends, and it makes everybody feel special.  When the lady serving coffee is at the end of a long shift, and she's tired of assholes who demand, "No, soy-latte without foam, this has foam.  Can you even do your job right?" it's nice to say "Hello, Darlene, how are you today?" and brighten her afternoon. We've all been nobody at a job, or on a trip, or even a short event, and wished we at least had SOMEONE whose name we knew, who knew who we were, and would take a few minutes after lunch for idle chatter instead of walking past.  It's an easy rule, and you really need to follow it.

New rule:  No going to work on your birthday.  Oh, the merger/deal/program test/exam is on your birthday?  NOT ANYMORE, IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY. When I was a kid, I hated having school on my birthday, and I'm pretty convinced it's fair to say that the best birthday I can remember is when my parents decided to take us to an amusement park instead of making us go to school on our birthday.  Next time it's someone's birthday, instead of adding to their pile of work, go out, buy a card and small present, come back and make sure they leave work after getting their sugar and present, because NO ONE SHOULD HAVE TO WORK OR DO ANYTHING UNPLEASANT ON THEIR BIRTHDAY. How we, as a civilized society, make people do hard work when they really want cake and presents, is beyond me.  Know who made people work on their birthday?  Yeah, Hitler, Mussolini, Voldemort, and you dont' want to be like them.  No work on your Birthday.

7) We Need More Nicknames.
I have had many, many nicknames.  Most failed.  Most were bad.  Some were downright strange ('Lucky the Angry Giant Leprechaun' lasted for over a month at one job).  But places need more nicknames.  I don't mean 'buddy' or 'chief', which are the general and unconvincing nicknames given out by faux-friendly bosses, I mean real, old fashioned, you're not allowed to choose your own and probably hate it to begin with nicknames.
Mine's "Oatie", and it probably always will be.  Long story short, I got badly burned by oatmeal, multiple times, while working for the boy scouts.  I became Oatie the Oatmeal Man. I hated it, which of course meant it was perfect, and 6 years later, I have dozens of people who don't know my real name anymore.  It almost followed me to college.  Heck, it DID to a degree, but only among a few small groups of people. 
Next time someone wears a weird shirt everyday, or has a particularly nick-name-friendly name, give them a nickname, and unless it feels like teasing or they genuinely hate it, make it stick.  I'd rather work with The Typhoon than stuttering Tyson any day, and I might forget Jared, but I never forget J-Rod.

8) Share.
This one is huge, but basic.  This one is probably the most important.  I can't believe I have to say it, but apparently it needs to be explicitly said.  SHARE.  I'm not just talking about gum, I'm talking about pretty much everything.  How the hell did we become hoarders?  When did we decide that it was better to keep everything for ourselves than share it with our friends? Seriously.  Share.  Donate to a charity, every single year, in a meaningful way.  Bring extra snacks to work.  Make sure you go out of your way to find the quiet and socially awkward guy in the office or on the work-crew and give him half your PB&J, because he's not going to come out of his shell until you share both your time and your delicious strawberry-jam PB&J with him.  This rule, like the others above, probably matters more to adults than kids, and yet we forget about it so damned often.  We see a bum on the street and avoid eye contact.  I'm not saying give him your jacket, but maybe give him a business card and share YOUR success, get him a job that suits him.  Give him your morning coffee, because you probably don't need it half as much. Hey billionaires, Bill Gates convinced others like him to donate ENORMOUS AMOUNTS OF MONEY TO CHARITY, follow his lead and share with the world, maybe make it less dreary.  If we all went out of our way to share, EVEN A LITTLE BIT, it would be a hell of a better world to live in.  Most importantly, and I sincerely mean this, if you're chewing gum you had BETTER have enough to share.

Thanks for reading, and I appreciate your time.  Do me a favor and share this, or any other post you particularly enjoyed.  It lets me know what I'm writing that works, or what doesn't, and commenting, sharing, or writing me a personal note all help improve the blog.

If you liked this, I'd recommend you check out  "Zombie Questions to Measure Friendship" or "Jerks Finish Last"

The Zombie Test: 5 Zombie-Apocalypse-Related Questions to Measure a Friendship

Now, I've already mentioned before my crippling and horrific fear of zombies (link) so, it's probably unsurprising that whenever I make a new friend, I ask myself how they'd fare in a zombie apocalypse.  Would they have useful skills, how would they handle the crushing oblivion that would come with a decimated world?  What tips and tricks could they teach you to survive the oncoming zombie onslaught?

But for anyone, this can be a good litmus test for seeing if you've got compatibility as friends.

1) Who Carries the Ammo?
Any good friendship is really not just about GETTING something, it's about also GIVING something.  Are you and this person able to work together?  Or, in the zombie scenario, would you two be the tragic duo who die in the BEGINNING of the movie, or the duo left to wander the empty wastelands of zombie-ville as the last hardened survivors, making bad puns and blowing apart hell-spawn with ease? 

Simply put , how do you two work together?  There is always someone who takes the shots, and someone who makes it POSSIBLE for someone to take the shots.  It isn't necessarily a superior/inferior power dynamic , because the gun might seem like it's in charge, but without ammunition it's just an unwieldy club. Someone HAS to occasionally take charge, in survival, and friendship.  You must first find out, before anything else happens, if you're comfortable in your role.  In a zombie apocalypse, every task is dangerous, and every day a new nightmare. You don't need the added stress of wanting to shoot and being unable to, or carrying ammo for someone unwilling to pull the trigger.

In friendship, this translates to similar questions. How can you and this new friend work together?  Is one of you the straight-man, while one cracks wise?  Are you willing to carry the proverbial ammo, or should they?  These are serious, important questions for surviving the undead's wrath, as well as making it through young-adulthood, an equally hellish experience.  

If someone in the friendship isn't set out, from the start, to make and take the calls, it's hard to be friends.  Two 'type a' personalities rarely work well together for this exact same reason, unless they realize that even leaders sometimes have to be led.
Any time you meet someone you think you could become friends with, ask this question first, and if you've made it past this very basic level, then proceed onward in your zombie survival and friendship building quest.

2) Will You Shoot Me, Right in the Face, If I get Bitten?
Most of the time, people are generally nice.  Even Hitler probably had his friendly moments.  And when people are nice, happy, and healthy, it's easy to be nice back. Except, probably not to Hitler. But, my point is that no one ever thinks, "HOLY CRAP THAT NICE GUY, HE'S SO POLITE I HATE HIM." It's easy to be nice to someone who's nice.

However, a real friend is someone who can help you out when you're NOT being nice.  They're needed to tell you, "You're being a massive asshole, please stop being a massive asshole, because no one currently likes you.  If you're wondering why, it's because you're a massive, unbelievably frustrating, asshole."

If a friend told ME that, what would I say?  "THANKS FRIEND, I APPRECIATE YOU LETTING ME KNOW I WAS BEING AN ASSHOLE!"  I'm so glad people can tell me when I'm being a jerk, because then I can realize it and maybe be less of a jerk!

We all need that from time to time, and that's a true friend's job.  Passive aggression might be common in life, but it never works well with friends, because if you can't tell your buddies they suck, who CAN you tell they suck? Skirting the issue rarely, if ever, improves a friendship.

This blunt honesty and ability to be direct is a skill that's also absolutely necessary to have in a real friendship (also, a zombie apocalypse).  The quiet friends, the ones who won't be blunt and honest with you, are the jerks who forget to mention...your huge asshole-ishness.  They don't say, "Man, Steve you're being a dick."  They say, "Man, Steve, that wasn't the nicest thing to do, though I guess you SORT of were justified.  I mean, yeah, like, they were being annoying, so you're probably in the right to be rude."  They let you be a jerk, and they never really tell you when you suck.  It's terrible.

But if you're wondering how well do Zombies relate to this situation?  PERFECTLY! If I get bit by a zombie, I want someone who will shoot me between the eyes and prevent me from rising as one of the undead to destroy the world around me.  It's a friggin' law of science, if someone won't call you on your bullshit, they won't shoot you in the face when you get bitten by a zombie, and you don't want to be friends with someone who wouldn't even shoot you in the face when you get bitten by a zombie. I don't want someone to tell me the zombie bite doesn't look deep, it's ok, I want them to say, "If they drew blood, I put you down."  Never build friendships with someone until it's clear that their job, should you get bitten by a zombie is to shoot you in the face: Or, if you're not dealing with undead, it's their job to call you on your bullcrap. That's just what good friends do. Shoot you, and be honest. 

3) Can You Take First Watch?
In the inevitable rise of the masses and hordes of satan as undead vile beasts, it's going to happen from time to time that every person has to take first watch.  What I mean is, when camping in the woods overnight desperately tired, someone has to take the difficult job of staying awake longer and protecting your sleepy butt from undead.

You can't just go to bed, because if you BOTH go to bed, then NEITHER person will be assured of waking up.  Despite their longing for brains and loud, hole-in-chest breathing, many zombies can be quiet when sneaking up on prey.  So, at night, someone should always be on watch, and that first watch, where you're already tired, but need to be alert for the safety of your friends, can be HARD. However, SOMEONE will always have to do it, and that someone will eventually be you.

In friendship, that's the case too.  Sometimes you're down in the dumps, and you just can't be fun.  You need a friend whose job it is to occasionally be the strong one, and supportive.  If you're making friends with someone who WON'T be supportive, you're entering a miserable, give but never receive, sort of friendship.  No one wants that.  It's unpleasant. So, seriously ask yourself if your friends are able to take that first, hard step sometimes, and be the tough supportive figure.  This applies to friendships, romance, even sibling relationships...but most importantly, it applies to zombies.  Because seriously, if no one takes first watch, you're going to wake up with your intestines being removed by a bleeding undead beast. Someone has to bite the figurative bullet, and be the rock that others rely on from time to time.

4) What if you're the last two person on earth?
In Zombie movies, as in life, you're often surrounded by people you don't love.  That's where that famous statement comes in, 'not if you were the last other person on earth.' 
First, harsh.  If you ever turn someone down with this line, you're stating that there is no reasonable reason, no matter what situation you're placed in, and no matter how much you've both changed, that you will tolerate this person.  That's...horrifyingly harsh.  I mean, come on.  But, in a friendship, it's actually a good question to ask.  If you have to spend a lot of time with this person, if there were no one else around, would you be able to tolerate each other practically indefinitely? 

We all have friends we enjoy from time to time, meaningless friends whose presence is at best pleasant, or more accurately, not ACTIVELY unpleasant, and so we keep these people around.  WHY?  If you want to have friends, have FRIENDS.  Have yourself a group of people you ENJOY, not tolerate.  You need to find someone that you'd be able to enjoy even if you had to spend a practical eternity with them.  That's not to say they must be perfect, but only that you think you can get past their insecurities and faults in a meaningful way.  If you can at best tolerate them, and if you never find yourself APPRECIATING their idiosyncrasies, they're not the friend for you, and you shouldn't put yourself and them through the ordeal of trying to be nice to someone you hate. 

If zombies ate everyone else, and you were stuck forever with one person, you'd at least want them to be enjoyable.  I don't know about you, but alone forever is still better than stuck with someone horrible forever.

After all, if he and you were the last two people on earth, it wouldn't be long before you'd be THE last person on earth.
5)  Can you laugh with them when you're moments from horrifying death?
Last, but certainly not least, let's consider more than who in the relationship is in charge(point 1) or how long you'll appreciate their company(point 4).  Let's ask the BIG this someone you have fun with even when shit gets ugly?  In the hilarious comedy horror movie "Shaun of the Dead", there are several scenes that show this perfectly, such as the one below.

In the end, even, when (SPOILERS) Ed is about to die after being bit, he manages to make a fart joke and give everyone a laugh.  That's what you want in a buddy, someone who can make you laugh even if the whole damned world seems evil and terrifying.

Now, it's not hard to see the parallel to real life here, but it's easy to see why that's IMPORTANT.  Much of the time, life's great, and most people get along just fine. But a really GOOD friend sees you unhappy and scared and farts, because laughter is FAR more enjoyable than sobbing, and because farts are still hilarious, no matter how old you get.

If you're seriously looking for a friend, you want someone who fits these questions.  You want the gun-toting, zombie killing, tireless, serious and yet hilarious hero who steps into the zombie movie and turns it from horror to comedy.

Or, if you're trying to think about friendship WITHOUT fixating on zombies:
If your buddy is someone who knows when to lead or step down, calls you on your shit, takes the burden when you're too tired, doesn't grate on you after a few hours, and knows when to fart to break the silence, you've got yourself a quality friend. 
And who said trashy horror films had nothing to teach? 

Thanks for reading my blog!  I hope you enjoy it, and it makes you think!  Feel free to comment in the comment section below, or check out my other older posts.

If you liked THIS post, you might enjoy "Brian Allman, Zombie Hunter" or you might read more of my absurd applications of fiction to reality in, "Fat People Have Superpowers"

Why Men Suck at Dating, a Theory About Friendship

Since I can remember, I've been harangued by women about my inability to be a boyfriend after we've dated for several months.  Every argument eventually begins with the whine, "You used to be so..." and ends with, "I just wish you still..."  I have, apparently, "lost what we had" and my thoughts are "never open, never shared with men anymore."

I have tried to explain to many women that I'm not losing interest at all, but rather, I am finding myself comfortable, and am trying to avoid becoming uncomfortable.  This is where Men and Women differ, and this is where my theory comes into play.  My theory is quite simple:

Men and women learn to date through making best friends, and male best-friendship is so profoundly different than female best-friendship as to make men seem worse at eventually dating.

Let me explain:
Every relationship devolves over time.  When you first get a dog, you're not only going to walk it several times a damned day, but you're going to LOVE walking it every single time.  Every single time you put the leash on that young little pup, your smile can't be stopped, your amusement is endless.  When you puppy pees on the sidewalk, you're proud.  "HELL YEAH PUPPY, YOU OWN THIS STREET, DAMNED STRAIGHT." Probably, that's why dogs are man's best friend; because it's the first time it's socially acceptable for a guy to coo and squeal about someone else, except for their children (where again, squealing excitedly is permissible). When we men are given the early opportunity to show ecstatic emotion, and hug, and jump and be loving, we do so with gusto.  We enjoy it. It just happens that these occasions are rarely socially acceptable, and thus, equally rare emotional displays.

This happens in interpersonal relationships too, not just with dogs and babies.  You start making a close friend by divulging the deep information about yourself, you spend time together and build trust, and you're proud and happy whenever your friend or romantic partner is successful.  It might not be a badass li'l puppy peeing on a sidewalk, but you're ALMOST as excited.

Good job Fido, show that sidewalk who's boss.

The problem is, that's only the initial phase of dating, where you take a woman out to dinner and a movie, or a local fair, or a big exciting event where you can happily pay for her, smile with an award-winning smile, give her your arm to hold on to and feel like a suave sonofabitch because 'I am so damned gentlemanly people can barely contain themselves.' Dating gets more complex, and more intimate, and many men don't know what to do after the new-couple phase ends, because they've NEVER REALLY LEARNED. As I said, you learn how to date by making a best friend.

When you're young, no matter your gender, you need a best friend.  It's more than just a companion for a few minutes, it's someone who will wade through the squalls of adolescence at your side, your shield bearer, squire, and most importantly, heroic side-kick. 


But different genders (usually) learn quite differently.

For both genders, the first part of the best-friend relationship begins the same.

First for everyone is the stage where you must impress the new friend.  You invite them to parties, you go to movies, you plead with your parents to let your new best-bud tag along to a large event, like an amusement park or a favorite movie.  Just like in dating, stage 1 is the same for men and women.  You impress your partner, in hopes that you can gain access to the strange territory of best-friendship, which once attained, is idyllic.

Men in particular excel at these early stages of relationships, because we're taught from age 2 that masculinity and distance are somewhat linked, so every new close relationship is almost some sort of guilty pleasure.  Having a best friend is such a novel concept when men are ALSO taught that talking, spending time together, and caring about someone else in a meaningful way aren't 'normal' or 'tough-guy' behaviors. So, on those first dates, he probably tells you about himself, and might even let you in on some of who he is, behind the (hopefully literal, but possibly metaphorical) masculine beard.

 Because a beard is your shield against emotions, but can also make you look awesome.

After that early stage of friendship, men and women separate.

After they've become good friends, women become close by sharing themselves, their thoughts, their fears.  They actively confide in one another, and spend more and more time together, while simultaneously ensuring that their new best-friend isn't swamped or overwhelmed.  They find more niche events to share with their pals, where they have similar interests.  Often they'll even try to find new things to share (much like the many girlfriends who offer to play whatever video game their adolescent boyfriend favors, or offer to watch a favorite movie of his, despite it being wildly outside of their normal favorite genre). Women move forward in their friendship with these new mutual interests, and respect for each other's space. This is that confusing middle-ground in any relationship, where you're not wholly certain if you're best friends, or emotionally attached.  Women choose to BECOME more attached, and they make that clear, while men aren't sure what to do.

Finally in the intimate end-goal stage, where love and affection in dating or best-friendship in friendmaking coexist, women learn to communicate. They ask about each others' day, or their current activities, or they do something to show that they both listen and care.  Women develop their strongest friendships by being actively involved in each others' lives, and constantly reasserting their affection through gestures and shared interests. 

Male best-friendship is wildly different, and women:  It's a secret, so I might be killed for admitting this, but men take their best-friends incredibly serious, and DO TALK ABOUT THEIR FEELINGS JUST LIKE WOMEN...except with specific minor variations.

Men make best friends by neglect.  Once you're close and are buddies, there's no point in big events anymore. Men don't become best friends to go to a party or fair, we become best friends to sit in a dark basement in silence while playing some repetitive violent video games.  Hell, Goldeneye for Nintendo 64 helped me make more friends than anything I ever actually DID as a child, because it allowed me to invite someone over to shoot at each other in tense silence.  It was GREAT.


Men, in that middle zone, become comfortable, and talk about their feelings by avoiding any eye-contact, focusing intently on another task, and giving nonspecific explanations of their feelings.  We don't tell each other about how hurt we feel because of something, we play a game or a sport or build something so that it's permissible to be too focused to give details.  We tell our best friends that "Yeah, me and the lady-friend are on the rocks, it's really awkward, haha, and I'm pretty sure she's going to break up with me.  But, you know, what do you do?  Yeah, hand me the nail-gun, I need to finish this siding, it looks like rain tonight. And, umm...thanks for listening.  Seriously, nail-gun."

THAT IS THE MOST INTIMATE CONVERSATION MEN EVER WANT TO HAVE.  Not because we fear intimacy, or don't like talking, but because we can say ANYTHING WE WANT and not be judged or feel judged, because we're more focused on doing something else.

That's also how it is for many men trying to be open and honest in romantic relationships!

When a couple becomes close, and starts sharing thoughts and feelings, men are happy to do so...just as long as their lady-friends realize that their thoughts and feelings are going to be vague and shared in a flat tone over a shared activity. 

Best friendship for guys is about eventually, someday, getting to the point where you can call a buddy over and NOT talk about your problems.  A best friend comes over to help you STOP thinking and talking about your life, not to encourage it. 

For example, when a guy gets dumped or has a rough breakup, a guy-best-friend comes over with beer and crappy 80's movies with overzealous male protagonists fighting Nazis or Communists.  He makes sure the emotionally insecure best-buddy doesn't have to share until ready, and when he DOES talk, the best-friend doesn't ask questions, he sits in silence until he says something like, "Yeah man, that sounds rough, but I think the best thing to do now is (Insert extremely general but surprisingly helpful advice here!)"  Then, he gives his pal the half-hug with one arm , and an obligatory slap on the back to reinforce an emotional connection, and goes back to drinking, like God intended when he taught Moses how to brew beer and play football.

In a romantic relationship, when men feel close to a woman, and try to learn to be open and clear, often they're rebuffed by women telling them, "I want to know what you're FEELING, what you're THINKING.  I want it to be like when we first fell in love, when you told me how you felt, and you took me to cool places, and always tried to show me a smile and kiss goodnight. Why can't you just tell me what you really feel?  I want to know WHY you feel it, HOW you feel it, WHAT you feel.  Everything."


The problem is, the guy probably thought he WAS being open enough about his feelings.  He told you "Goodnight babe", because that's man-speak for "I think about you every night and wish you were here in my arms."  He's not saying that because he wants to leave and ignore you, but because intimacy for men means that you don't HAVE to talk, that you can just accept each others' presence and spend time in shared activities.  It's probably why men (whether we admit it or not) consider sex so important, because it's a way to express feelings and share time and feel good together without feeling like we have to BARE OUR SOULS TO THE SCRUTINY OF LADY-EYES, which seem exceptionally, and perhaps INHUMANLY SKILLED at picking apart male insecurities. 

I guess what I'm really saying is that maybe men aren't BAD at dating.  Men, just don't learn the same way women do.  For a lot of guys, there is nothing more intimate than sharing silence, or giving each other the chance to talk when you WANT, not simply talking for the sake of talking. 

Women are wonderful at dating, because the intimacy and friendship they learn as children is a mirror for how adult relationships work, with shared feelings, and communication, and finding new things to enjoy together.

But maybe, JUST MAYBE, instead of thinking men 'suck' at dating, try to see it from his perspective and maybe you BOTH can adapt.

He might not be closed off in his silence, it might just be that he cares enough to LISTEN, instead of speak. And maybe, just maybe, if you give him time, and watch a bad movie, he'll tell you what he's thinking, even if he won't make eye-contact while doing so.

Thanks for reading, I really love that people get a chance to see this page, or leave their own thoughts in the comments.

If you're interested in more of my thoughts on romance and dating, check out "Jerks Finish Last" and "The Single Worst First Date in History".

5 Reasons it Sucks to be a Scientist: Part 5, SCIENCE IS HARD!

As I conclude my 5 part series on the woes of scientists, I feel that I should briefly mention the early points, and give an explanation as to why this segment is most important. Also, take note, this is a LONG post, and broken into segments. Peruse at your leisure, and if you like it, feel free to share it with others!

In part 1 of this series, I described how skepticism really sucks(LINK TO PART 1) when applied to absolutely every aspect of life.   It's nice to be cautious and careful in what you believe.  But as a general rule, being constantly and aggressively skeptical is NOT FUN and can be a major pain. It makes it hard to trust information and doubt everything you hear. It's hard to separate being a scientist from skepticism.

In part 2, I explained how constantly thinking like a scientist(LINK TO PART 2) can ruin the magic and fun of the world, and appears todestroy the beauty or seeming deeper meaning of your daily life.  Again, there's positives too, but scientific thinking can also really suck.  Science can ruin everything by forcing you to every day spend time focused on the honest and often somewhat depressing details of the world around you.

In part 3, I told you about how hard it is for scientists to hear politics and discussions(LINK TO PART 3) without either completing shutting other people down, or sounding like jerks when they correct common misgivings.  Hearing bad science, dumb explanations and science denial in politics, and in much of the local population, drives scientists INSANE.  Worst of all, there's not a lot they can do without seeming villains themselves.

In part 4, I shared the uncomfortable truth about how hard it is to be a scientist when money, funding, and grant-writing enters the equation(LINK TO PART 4).  You might never actually MAKE progress, you have to try to write and research and pay for your own costs all at once, while trying to prove to someone else that your work ACTUALLY MATTERS.  Being a scientist isn't just about science, it's about money, arguing, and of course, GETTING MORE MONEY. In science, having a job doesn't mean you can DO that job, until someone else pays for it.

Now in part 5, this conclusion to my bitching about science and the difficulties scientists face, I've got a lot MORE to say.  It's not about how uncool science makes you think, or how tragic and depressing it is to bring science into the public sphere, and it's not even about just BECOMING a scientist, though elements of that are part of my's about the simple, unavoidable and yet rarely discussed after grade-school problem of science:

SCIENCE, my dear readers and friends, IS HARD.  I know, you may never have been TOLD that before, but it's true!

Bill Nye The Science Guy is SHOCKED! And he knows EVERYTHING.
(Thanks to Aceonlineschools for the photo.)
See, science isn't's actually REALLY HARD.  You might have to ask yourself, "EVERY SCIENCE?" and I'd have to admit, no, not every science ever, but as a rule, science is REALLY HARD!


No worries, friends, I plan to explain.   Really, you can think of it as 3 main points, that sort of work together:

1) Science requires exceptional education,
2) Science requires many different areas of expertise,
3) Science is highly complex and advanced.


If I wanted to be an upstanding businessman, I'd have to go to college, and let's say I went on to graduate school.  Let's go crazy, and assume that to be a business tycoon, you really HAVE to have at least a master's degree (which you don't, and in fact, is much less common in business than you might realize, whereas it seems 90%* of science jobs require at LEAST a master's, and many more require a doctorate).

*Completely random number without data, to illustrate a point

If I were to go to graduate school, I would take classes, and perhaps write a paper on research I'd done on the market, or in my particular business field.  I wouldn't have to go do a multi-year experiment with grants, external support, external publication in a scholarly peer-reviewed journal, would I?  NO!  Of course not, that's ridiculous.  If every business student had to do enormous and complex research projects where they actually tested and manipulated a real data set that they had to create over the course of months from their own unique work, NO ONE WOULD GET A MASTER'S IN BUSINESS.....

But that's EXACTLY what happens in science.

I'm a biology student, for example, in a Master's program. I'm doing a research project with 8-10 months of field work (May-March, probably) and after that several months of laboratory work doing phytochemistry, computerized statistical data analysis, then writing for a peer reviewed published journal of science...all for my master's degree.

I'm not a PhD student, I'm not even at the highest quality school in the country, I'm just a simple graduate student studying here in cold and exciting Alaska. So, why does my degree require me to take classes in computer science, statistics, chemistry, ecology, plant biology, insect-plant interactions and plant-animal interactions, while doing my own self directed research and writing and editing and publishing?

Because science is hard.

Science requires an education that is more thorough and complicated than almost any other field.  People don't realize it, but when you hear about how difficult medical school is, you're actually hearing about how demanding a science program can be.  You need to memorize complex and diverse facts and figures about anatomy, chemistry, psychology, and of course be able to apply your knowledge to real-world situations. That's science!  You need to do long hours in labs and after your classes to develop the research and technical skills to apply your information to real-life events:  Which is what happens when you study science.  Why is veterinary school, dental school, or any PhD program hard?  SCIENCE!

I'm not saying education in other areas isn't hard and complicated, but it's NOT the same as getting trained as a scientist, because so often you learn either skills or master information, but rarely does any other program demand you gain both perfect and detailed information while simultaneously asking for intricate and complicated skill mastery.

As I said before, science education is hard and takes a long time.  After high school, which many people don't even graduate from in itself, you must go to college, get a hard degree, get research and work experience, get a graduate degree, and usually have a few publications under your belt JUST TO GET INTO THE INTRODUCTORY LEVEL WORK of your field!  We're talking 10+ years AFTER high school to be a beginner in the field. 

The complicated and difficult education required to be even an introductory level researcher, or a relatively low-pay-scale scientist is hard!  It requires more work and time and effort than most people ever realize, and that's just to get INTO the field, much less to be a primary researcher, professor, or head of a program, which require a doctorate unlike ALMOST ANY OTHER AREA OF EXPERTISE REQUIRES.

Before I get on a longer rant about education, let me go back and get to my second piece of evidence.

Thanks XKCD for explaining!  It all makes sense!  

Ask any scientist, and they can tell you about how 'pure' their science is. They'll tell you that they need to know math to be able to do their work.  Heck, even if they're mathematicians, they'll have to know statistics, which is sort of its own subgroup, and probably computer science.  And they'll of course need to be able to write, and do experimental design....and grant writing, which is different than publishable writing....and of course, you can't forget how specific each field might be, because 'biology' means the study of life, and NO ONE can study the collective study of ALL life.  So, to study a single science really means to study a tiny subset of the single area of science.

I mean, heck, if you can make it past the cellular level, you're already studying chemistry, math, genetics, cellular behavior, epigenetic action and perhaps inherited behaviors or characteristics WITHIN genetics that might subsequently alter genetic expression and...well, as I'm probably making clear, you need to know a LOT to be a scientist in any field, and every field is divided into seemingly infinite complicated subgroups.

I don't like to admit it, but that's probably where I'm weakest myself:  I know SOME chemistry, I'm pretty solid on the physics, I know math relatively well, and I'm learning much better to work with statistics, experimental design, and computation through computer science and specific software programs.  But...I don't know ENOUGH.  In fact, you can never really know enough.

Except Bill Nye, because he knows everything. 

The diversity of knowledge, and the depth of that knowledge is what makes it so hard to understand scientists when they speak.

In the news, recently, there was a lot of discussion of climate change (SHOCKER!)
Who's to blame for climate change?  How can we bring it up intelligently in discussion?

I mentioned this in part 3 of the series, which is linked at the top, but there's a lot to be said about this subject.  ABC has a nice short article (LINK) that explains some of the recent work.  Sure, they breeze past ANY science, and of course, their explanations are riddled with incomplete explanations and completely ignore larger research points, but hey, if you read it, you might at least begin to understand the current discussion. Of doesn't help that half way through a single written page they change topics to a previous denier of climate science and his turnaround, without giving any real information as to WHY he turned around, but let's not insult ABC and their pitiable science journalism.

Let's focus on what's said.

The research that contributes to this single page, extremely surface level article is based on meteorology.  Oh, and geology.  Oh, and a bit of chemistry.  And the original chemistry work came from a biological study on changing species compositions. And of course, that was based off of work into soil chemistry and geological alterations.  Which began as a research project about physics and chemistry working together in soil nutrient lodes, which was another biology project.

The 1/2 page dedicated to actual climate change from ABC News discusses 1 single aspect of a single paper without giving any of the actual science, despite the original research for said paper being drawn from over a half dozen separate areas of science, each of which was actually working across multiple disciplines on multi-year projects that focused on research done in response to other papers, and other research, being done and checked multiple times by varied institutes around the world by experts with multiple doctorates in many more complex fields of work.

Seriously, science requires you to understand SO MUCH MORE than just your area of expertise.  You have to graduate with a bachelor's degree of some sort, which will give you usually information about 3-4 different fields.  Most graduate schools, regardless of what you're applying for, want some classes in computer science, chemistry, math, and physics.  For biology, psychology, or those 'less pure' (and thus, more varied) fields, you might need geology, biology, behavioral science, ethics, and of course, classes in whatever field you're actually going to study. And once you get to graduate school, you're supposed to become a specialist, where you learn really detailed information about different subjects.

Basically, to get into graduate school, which is itself practically a requirement in even basic professional science work, you need to be broadly and diversely educated, but after you're well educated and well read, you actually are just BEGINNING to become well read and educated.

After that, you have to specialize more, because science has gone so far in the last decades that having 'basic knowledge' (which is what many scientists call a perfect GPA in 4-year college at a prestigious university) isn't enough.

To be a scientist, you have to have both a wide diversity of knowledge, as well as exceptionally detailed knowledge in specific areas.  And all of that comes before you begin writing grants, writing papers for publication, and doing the background research into OTHER papers that comes before you can consider even looking into SOMEDAY doing your own research projects.

Science requires an excellent, diverse, thorough and detailed education as well as specialization, technical skills, multiple years of research experience, and usually a lot of ass-kissing and hard get into the graduate program that will be 3-7 more years of the same, to get a degree, so you can START your own research path, all while studying multiple subjects and specialties

No wonder science feels like it's in an 'ivory tower', because after the scientists climb metaphorical stairs to the top, going back down to explain their work to the public is confusing and hard.  The journey (the act of trying to reach out to the public and publish easily understood results and research) risks not being able to DO the work they want to explain!  How can you be a full time writer, communicator, researcher, and still keep up with a constantly changing field and specialty?



Thanks to the USGS for this perfect example!

This is probably just a continuation from above, but it deserves its own section:

Science is advanced, and complicated.  You can't study science like the famous scientists of history did, because science is an additive process.  Falling apples don't lead to major discoveries anymore, because it seems like all the basics are understood now, and we're forced to study the finite and specific details.

As each person proves their theories and postulates all the other scientists have to catch up.  When Darwin and Wallace postulated the theory of evolution, it became the basis for the rest of biology from then on.  You had to learn it, and incorporate it into every single biological concept after that.

In physics, once we figured out gravity, we had to use it to understand the movement of the heavens....and once we figured out the idea of a vacuum, and then resistance from our atmosphere, and the movement of the moon, etc etc ad nauseum, each new step had to be included when you looked into the night sky.

It's one thing to understand the basics of a field, but science gets more complicated with every passing day, and every new fact.  We never stop finding new information out, and we never stop testing and improving on previous facts, so it gets MORE AND MORE COMPLICATED!

In the picture from the USGS above, you begin to see what I mean:  You look at geologic history, and if you simply break it down by period, you think you've got a complete picture.  The problem is, you don't.  There are pieces within that.  And of course, in each smaller piece, there are millions or more little tiny discoveries and events. Each of THESE, though, might be related to specific occurrences in evolution, or geologic change.  If you study the dinosaurs, what era are you talking about?  How about changes in species over time?  What about changing climate?  And geologic shifts of tectonic plates?  And large extinctions, or volcanic eruptions?  And how does THAT feed back into species change?  Science makes you THINK about each little tiny step, and each little tiny step is actually another, smaller step.  It's like trying to talk to someone, but having to decode every sentence, then every word, then every letter, then the ink used to WRITE that letter, in a document.  It goes from manageable to 'weeping in a corner feeling overwhelmed' pretty damned fast.

The example of seemingly infinitely complex science that most people know is:  Cell theory.
We're made up of cells.  Great....but what makes up cells? Well, you explain the organelles, sure, but what's in those?  What specific molecules, and how do they act (like how ATP, the 'energy station' of the cell is sort of a mobile battery, but that's made possible by specific organelles, proteins, and electron receptors) and before you know it you've gone down to molecules.  Which can be broken down to atoms.  Which are made up of subatomic particles down to the tiniest pieces we know about, which are PROBABLY ALSO MADE UP OF SMALLER PIECES.  After a certain point, you realize that you always come to a new level of complexity that seems to make your brain swoon like a drunken redneck.

With each generation, we understand a little bit more, but that means that the new scientists and researchers can't just learn what the last scientists knew, they have to learn MORE AND MORE, and those new levels might require even more background into chemistry, physics, and so forth.  Basically, by the time you get down the chain of history to modern day, we're talking about learning so much science in grade school that our great grandparents think we're geniuses by age 10!  But, those genius ten year olds might know more about biology and chemistry than the smartest person from the 16th century, yet still are wildly under-educated by the time they get to high school, then college, then graduate school, the post-graduate work, THEN REAL WORK AND RESEARCH.  Our ancestors were impressed because caveman 1 was able to train a wolf not to eat him.  Now, we're not impressed when you can splice new genes into a wolf to make it glow in the dark and produce cancer-fighting bacteria in its drool.  We've REALLY altered our expectations!

Science isn't just hard, it's more intricate and advanced than any single person on earth can possibly hope to understand.  It's why you see ABC news printing a 1 page article, instead of a 10,000,000 page book!  Because most people can understand the 1 page, but only a tiny fraction of the world can understand the background necessary to get to that 1 page, and of that tiny fraction, only a smaller subset of those scientists can DUPLICATE and truly understand the REASONS behind the work!  No WONDER people argue about climate change, because if they hear someone talking about science, they're probably going to tune it out, so they don't feel confused and stupid!


Science is infinitely complex, requiring incredibly thorough and yet very diverse education, on a myriad of diverse and often seemingly disconnected subjects, only to prepare you to understand the BASICS.

Science is not easily understood, and getting to work AS a scientist requires time, energy, intelligence and patience unlike most people have.  If you make it as a scientist, you've climbed the tallest mental peaks on the planet, and have likely only made enough progress to be at the mental 'base camp' of where science can go.  Science is hard, unfathomably so.  Science is complicated.  Science requires time and energy and work unlike any other field in existence. I've been a writer, and I've been a teacher, and I've been a musician, and though none of that was EASY work, it's child's play compared to trying to accurately understand the mysteries of a possibly infinite and changing universe.

What I've been trying to say in my many posts and rants can be boiled down to a few simple thoughts.

If you BECOME a scientist, you're doomed to be an outsider from politics, with a skeptic's mind that makes you overly analytic and detail obsessed.  You're likely to see the world without the tinted shades everyone else seems to be wearing, and that's a damned scary thing, especially when you realize how hard most other people work in order to even see the world as THEY do.  You're required to be the emissary of knowledge to the rest of the planet, and you're unable, most of the time, to accomplish this task without extensive work and a very VERY active and interested audience.  You can't think like the rest of the world, because you have to think like a scientist, which sometimes means asking questions when everyone else just wants a final answer. 
Again, XKCD understands!

Science isn't just hard, it's superhuman.  Our brains required billions of years of evolution, millions of chance changes and successful mutations, and all we have to show for it is enough intelligence to TRY to understand, even though we mostly just screw up and get confused.

I think I have made my point well enough to end on a positive:

It SUCKS to be a scientist.  You work harder and learn more than almost anyone else, and every answer you find is really the beginning of 10 new and more difficult questions.  However, you DO get something wonderful in exchange:
Comprehension.  It's unpleasant to lose the beauty of a rose to the reality of a sex trait designed to attract insects.  It sucks to lose romance to the reality of sexual selection, and the endless struggle to reproduce, and sate our minds' need for chemical reinforcement of behavior.  "I love you" and "I release dopamine in your presence" are very different types of pillow talk.

The up side, however, is pretty damned cool.  You can say that the rose is infinitely complicated, that it has a billion year evolutionary history of picking up endosymbionts, and mutualists, and fortunate mutations that were selected for and reproduced millions upon millions of times over.  Romance might not be the same, but our highly developed minds can create whatever meaning we please, and give us the meaning and romance back with a single thought, and we can still find beauty in the world, in ways other people can't even imagine.

As Darwin once wrote, "There is grandeur, in this view of life," and he was right.

It can REALLY suck to be a scientist.  It can be a thankless, difficult, miserable job.  

But I'd rather ask the scary and complicated questions that make it hard than miss out on the infinitely fascinating answers that science has to offer.

Feynman may have said it best:

Feynman is sort of the science equivalent of the pope, except better.  Also less of an asshole.does that make Einstein our Jesus?

" I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious."
-Albert Einstein
Stay curious, and remember that science might be hard, but it can, in the end, be ABSOLUTELY worth it.