Q1) Who is Brian Allman? 
A1) Find out here!

Q2) What am I reading?
A2) Find out here!

Q3)  What do you write about?
A3)  Pretty much anything.  This blog started because I was bored and liked telling stories, and it sort of became my way of trying to amuse my friends around the globe.  I'm in Alaska, so it's hard to keep in contact with folks, and that started a blog, primarily about amusement, but also about my occasionally not entirely sarcastic thoughts.  It's personal anecdotes, satirical ideas, and generally a rather eclectic set of tales. There's no single thing I write about, but there also isn't much that I WON'T write about either.

Q4) What do you do?
A4)  I'm a graduate student in Biology, but I also write, for this blog and freelance, am an avid and obsessive reader, and generally spend my time doing either teaching here at University of Alaska, or doing work towards my grad degree.

Q5)  Will you write about (X)
A5)  I don't always know what everyone's talking about when they ask me to write...but if you're clear, or have an idea and post it as a comment or question for me, probably?  I love writing what interests others so if you ideas, pass them along!

Q6) Can you tell me more about yourself?
A6) I've gotten a few questions like THIS lately, and I don't know how to kindly say no...so I'll say it unkindly. No, go away!  I mean, I'm pretty open about my life, but I'd rather not divulge TOO much to the internet hordes.  Sorry!

Q7) Do you make money from the blog?
A7) Right now, not much.  I don't generally plan on doing so unless the blog took off (multiple thousands of readers daily).  Right now, I'm OK having a pretty small group of people that I entertain for free. That's my only plan for now.

Q8)  YOU DIDN'T RESPOND TO MY COMMENT ON (insert any post here)
A8) Sorry!  I respond to about 90% of comments, but some slip through rarely.  I will always try to respond to everybody, unless their comment clearly isn't intended to illicit a response!  "Yay" won't get a response, but a thoughtful query or idea will.  I'll try not to miss many!

If you have more questions, let me know!  These are the ones I received on facebook, a few on twitter, or scattered on early posts on the blog.  I'll update as often as I can, so check back soon!

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