The end of 2014

As 2014 draws to a close, it's naturally a time of reflection: We tend to look back at the year that's now nearly over with strong emotions, and think back on the good and the bad that has happened to us, our loved ones, and our friends.

2014 for me was less than pleasant. In truth, it very well might qualify as the most difficult and arduous year of my life. That isn't to say it's been exclusively bad; I graduated from UAF with an outstanding GPA and a Master's in Biology, I got my first non-education-related job since leaving the Boy Scouts as an employer, and I saw more of my family in 2014 than in the previous 3 years combined preceding it.

At the same time, it was a tough year. Family strife, health problems, and awkwardness occasionally rose up to dampen my spirits, as did the difficult work that actually came with completing my Master's. More than that, month after month of unsuccessful job searching led me to several part-time jobs that were painfully unsatisfying, and now a full-time job that isn't actually in my field and is a bit more focused on my brawn than my brain than I'd like. Financially, personally, and professionally this year has been difficult.

- - -

I am not someone who tends towards optimism. I tend to view the world as rationally as I know how, and with just enough scathing cynicism to come out with snappy one-liners and aggressive sarcasm, but despite that I'm hopeful for next year. That doesn't mean I believe it will be better....after all, I have no real reason to believe it will be. But I can be hopeful nonetheless, and I hope that anyone who happens across this rarely-used and poorly-managed blog can be hopeful right along with me. 

So, with very little sadness, I bid 2014 goodbye, good-riddance, and wish it a swift kick right down to hell where it belongs. And hopefully, just maybe, 2015 will bring with it better things. 

Best wishes to you and yours,